Self-Management Education
Virtual and in-person classes
Diabetes self-management education classes are 90-minute sessions.
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Candidates for group classes include:
- Patients newly diagnosed with diabetes
- Patients with a diabetes diagnosis but no prior education
- Patients who need a refresher due to outdated information or a change in their treatment status
- Patients with no barriers to group participation (i.e. language and visual or hearing impairment)
- Please call 978.825.6505 to register
Class 1: On the road to better managing diabetes
- Basic diabetes facts and myths
- Causes of high and low blood sugar
- How diabetes is managed – diet, exercise & medications
- Types of medications and insulin used to treat diabetes
Class 2: Diabetes and eating healthy
- How eating habits affect blood glucose
- Meal planning
- Nutrition label reading
Class 3: Monitoring blood glucose
- Why monitor blood glucose and general targets
- Signs of high and low blood sugar, and how to prevent them
- How to interpret self blood glucose monitoring results
- Reducing the risk of complications
- Setting SMART goals
- The progression of diabetes