Collaborative Governance Councils

Nursing Peer Review Council
The Nursing Peer Review Council provides a forum for our nurses to examine their practice within a patient- and family-centered model of care. It promotes exemplary practices and emphasizes learning. The Nursing Peer Review council also provides an opportunity for clinical staff nurses to review their peers’ in an objective, non- judgmental manner based on the standards of practice and Salem Hospital policies.
Nursing Professional Practice Council
Our Nursing Professional Practice Council defines, implements and maintains the highest standards of evidence-based clinical nursing practice consistent with established and evolving professional standards and regulatory agencies’ requirements.
Nursing Quality Council
The Nursing Quality Council develops the annual Patient Care Services Quality and Safety Goals. It endorses and monitors unit-based quality improvement plans, and monitors and analyzes data relative to Patient Care Services quality and safety. It also ensures compliance with established state, federal and regulatory standards and discusses and monitors relevant findings from peer review cases..