Professional Development
Center for Clinical and Professional Development
To view complete details on the classes offered, Salem Hospital nurses are encouraged to go to the Nursing/Patient Care page on the Intranet and click Professional Development.
- Skills Fairs
- Telemetry Class
- Registered Nurse I.V. Insertion Class
- Phlebotomy Class
- For more information, call 978.354.3027.
HealthStream is an online learning system offering hundreds of elective courses that clinical staff nurses can take to learn or reinforce their skills and abilities. HealthStream is used for mandatory education, roll-out of hospital initiatives and other courses that teach safe and effective care of patients and their families.
The Charge Nurse class is designed for our nurses who assume the leadership role of charge nurse. This interactive all-day program provides the fundamental skills to position our charge nurses for success by providing a "tool-box" of skills via group learning and real life scenarios. Topics include the charge nurse role, effective communication, conflict resolution, lateral violence, problem solving, delegation, and time management.
Nurse Preceptor Workshop
The Nurse Preceptor Workshop is an interactive learning opportunity to develop clinical staff nurses to become preceptors for newly hired nurses. An effective preceptor requires demonstrated knowledge, skills, and abilities and this class will provide a solid foundation for success as a preceptor.
Nursing Grand Rounds
Nursing Grand Rounds are an opportunity for nurses to promote excellence in nursing through scholarly presentations. Staff nurses share clinical expertise and best nursing practices. Nursing Grand Rounds strengthen relationships in the nursing division through networking and also help nurses appreciate each other and their varied roles throughout patient care at Salem Hospital.
Orientation for Newly Licensed Nurses
This is a 12-week precepted clinical experience, integrating simulation and reflective learning at the bedside. New-to-practice nurses are provided weekly coaching, performance review and opportunities for peer support and role socialization throughout their first year of practice. Newly hired nurses have the opportunity to participate in classroom and simulated clinical scenarios that integrate bedside technologies and common clinical emergencies during a central orientation. These nurses then spend several weeks with a clinical preceptor on their unit.