Albright Read Institute

Nile L. Albright, MD, with Mitchell S. Rein, M.D., Chief Medical Officer and Sr. V.P. Medical Affairs and Duncan Phillips, MBA, Program Director
The Albright Read Institute for Healthcare Improvement Science and Medical Research (ARI) funds research, education, and implementation initiatives to improve healthcare services. A 2013 initial gift of $1.5 million from the Norman H. Read Charitable Trust established the Institute and will provide funding for the first three years.
The Albright Read Institute supports our improvement capabilities and priorities. ARI will advance the delivery of healthcare services by focusing on research, design, and then testing those designs.
- Advancing research, education, training and implementation initiatives to deliver high-quality patient care and a perfect patient experience.
- Disseminating the results of research and work widely for the betterment of all peoples through publication, presentations and participation in healthcare education forums.
History of ARI
The Institute is named in honor of Norman H. Read, who established the Read Trust in 1985 and Nile L. Albright, MD, a trustee of the Read Trust. Mr. Read, an oil and gas executive who died in 1992, had a long history in Salem. Dr. Albright’s career has been devoted to research-based healthcare and science initiatives. Mr. Read and Dr. Albright were longtime colleagues and friends.
The Institute is funded through the continuing support of the Read Trust established in 1985 to enhance research-based healthcare for Salem-area residents and to support science education in Salem schools.
Since 1998, we have received more than $2 million from the Read Trust for research efforts across a range of specialties. More than 30 projects over these years have included research and publications in many areas including cardiac care and mental health.
The board of ARI includes our staff and representatives of the Norman H. Read Charitable Trust.
Ex Officio Voting Members
Nile L. Albright, MD | East Coast Representative for the Norman H. Read Charitable Trust |
David J. Roberts, MD | President, Salem Hospital |
Mitchell S. Rein, MD | Chief Medical Officer and SVP for Medical Affairs, Salem Hospital |
Patrick T. Lee, MD | Chair, Medicine, Salem Hospital |
Marc S. Rubin, MD | Chair, Surgery, Salem Hospital |
Dennis Spear | Vice President, Amarillo National Bank, Asset Management Department |
Ex Officio Non Voting Members
Martina B. Albright, PhD | Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School |
Sara Andrews | Senior VP, Development, Salem Hospital |
Lindsay Gainer, RN, MSN | Director of the Albright Read Institute, NSMC |
Patrick Lee, MD | Director of Internal Medicine Residency Research Program, Salem Hospital |
Oliver Robinson | Staff, Advanced Medical Research Foundation |
Rosemary Henchey, RN | Interim CNO/Associate Chief Nurse of Medical, Surgical and Inpatient, |
Advisors, Faculty and Staff
Mitchell S. Rein, MD, Physician Advisor
David J. Roberts, MD, Physician Advisor