Pain Management Options

Relaxation and pain management options for unmedicated labor
Several options for pain relief are offered during labor, including some that do not require medication. You can use these in combination or at different points during your labor.
- Our labor and delivery rooms have both shower and whirlpool tub, which you may use as you wish to help manage labor pain.
- Birthing and peanut balls are available to help relieve backache, promote pelvic rocking and relaxation and assist in positioning.
- You may bring in speakers to play any music or relaxation program.
- The hospital’s television system has a relaxation program you may want to use.
- Our labor and delivery beds can be positioned to assist with any desired pushing position.
Nitrous oxide
Nitrous oxide helps you manage pain and improve your labor experience. It is self-administered using a mask inhaler, giving you complete control. It has no lasting effects and can be administered within minutes of your choosing to use it. Learn more
Anesthesiologists are available around the clock to provide a variety of pain management options.
- Most typical is an epidural block, which is administered through a tiny tube inserted in your lower back. Epidural blocks are used to relieve pain from the waist down and enable mothers to rest during the most strenuous part of labor while their cervix is dilating, saving their strength for pushing in the later stages of labor.
- Pain medication may also be administered through the IV or by injection. Local anesthesia may be used to numb the pain of an episiotomy incision or vaginal tearing.