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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Salem Hospital offers a range of treatments for many urologic conditions, including benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH; also called prostate gland enlargement). BPH is a non-cancerous disorder that commonly occurs in men older than 50, where the prostate and surrounding tissue expands. An enlarged prostate gland can cause urinary problems, including Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) which affect the bladder, prostate and urethra.

BPH Symptoms

  • Frequent or urgent need to urinate
  • Nocturia—increased frequency of urination at night
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Difficulty starting urination
  • Weak urine stream or a stream that stops and starts
  • Dribbling at the end of urination
  • Inability to completely empty the bladder

Treatment for BPH

Treatment can involve medication or surgery to alleviate symptoms and make urination easier. Surgical options can include treatment through the urethra rather than the abdomen if the prostate is very large. Salem Hospital now offers a new minimally invasive robotic technology that uses a high-pressure water jet to remove the obstructing prostate tissue.

Innovative Robotic Prostate Ablation Technique

Salem Hospital now offers a new procedure for BPH treatment which uses minimally invasive robotic technology. The procedure combines real-time ultrasound imaging to precisely map the contour of the prostate and a high-pressure water jet to remove the obstructing prostate tissue within the treatment map. The procedure is done through the urethra with no incisions and can be used in patients even with large prostates. This allows for a shorter procedure time and faster patient recovery. This procedure has been shown to have lower rates of urinary incontinence and decreased risks of sexual side effects compared to many other treatment options.

Patients interested in this procedure or other treatment for BPH can call 978.741.4133.